Hi Friends,
Last night at a parent meeting about mental health hosted by my daughters school they suggested one way parents can support kids who are showing signs of anxiety and depression (along with getting help) is to have a list of activities kids find spark joy for them to choose from.
I've been thinking about inner peace a lot and holding the question, “If I want global peace what can I do now to create more peace in my own life?” And so…here are 10 ideas for connecting to more peace right in the life you already have.
1. Find a shortcut you like and want to repeat often. Currently I eat the same nourishing, delicious breakfast every morning and one less decision in the morning creates enough calm space for me to actually enjoy my meal.
2. Lower your expectations of yourself and others. I offered this idea to my daughter this week when she was stressed about school work and I could literally see the pressure and anxiety lifting. If you're a person who worries about meeting or exceeding expectations, you may benefit from lowering them.
3. Limit your news sources and the time you spend taking it in. Find voices you trust that stretch your thinking and understanding. Choose how much time you want to give to news.
4. Trust your soul's way more than the world's way.
5. Take a short nap. Everyday if need be. Use a timer, ditch the guilt, embrace the pause. I love a 17 min nap most afternoons.
6. Say ‘No Thanks’ to the social events that don't excite you.
7. Notice what delights you and share it with a friend. I do this with one friend over text. Another friend and I exchange voice notes all the way from Finland, which we call our personal podcast. Find creative, simple ways to share your delight.
8. Approach your life problems like they are puzzles. Here is a smart podcast episode on how to do that.
9. Take a deep breath, then three more.
10. Make time and space for yourself to sit still and feel your feelings. I find this especially useful at times when I am experiencing a lot of grief or worry. I use a timer and find it calming to know I have a regular time to check in with myself and process. I often think of it like tending a simmering pot…give yourself space to just be, journal, cry or rage, or just stare out the window…if this appeals to you…you'll know what to do.
I hope you find one of these ideas useful! Free Palestine! Ceasefire Now!
With love,
Anna Marie
I offer 1:1 confidential coaching support for unearthing your own wisdom, remembering your gifts and and getting clear on what matters most, so you can move forward in life with courage & confidence.
If you are experiencing a creative block, want to expand your connection to joy, or explore what’s possible next, let's connect!
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