The precarious and horrifying situations in the world persist.
And somehow so does my privilege and the daily surfing lesson of choosing to be fully alive and present to the darkness of great horror and pain while also noticing what’s meaningful, beautiful and radiates love. Noticing Joy.
Let me be clear that the horrors of war are always exactly that: horrors. Tragic circumstances we all have been asked to witness, carry and to resist. Being with the pain is meaningful, honoring humanity is meaningful, not turning away and offering care where I can, is meaningful.
My friend, Tanmeet Sethi, M.D., wrote about how Joy is raw, wild, powerful, and an antidote to oppression.
“Systems of oppression thrive when you do not, seek Joy to find your Power.”
I love her definition of Joy:
“Joy is actually a deeply embodied experience that comes from the same deep well as our capacity for love, for meaning and for connection. Our pain stems from all those things, and so does our joy. Our joy is something that no one gave to us, no one can take away and no one can make different.” Tanmeet Sethi (buy her book, Joy is my Justice)
So, what has brought you joy this week?
Yesterday my sweet dog Lily, napped in a cute little bundle on my favorite blanket, reminding me that napping is a practical, easy self care practice ~ 20 min & a favorite blanket, it’s simple and I am restored.
Lily has also been pausing to smell the roses (or actually probably the other dogs pee on the sidewalk) and if I pause with her she quickly resumes our walk. If I do not she drags her weight on the leash. I observed her strategy this morning and admired her wise example: the power of a pause, her non verbal request for collaboration and equality, which also benefits me because I actually do stop and smell the daphne blossoms and notice the plum tree blooming.
I’ve been wearing hot pink this week because it brings me joy.
I’ve been asking for help before I feel ready’ Last week I reached out for support and was led to the exact right guide for the new phase I in my recovery journey with food. What a gift!
Yesterday in a business coaching group, I raised my hand even though my question was not perfectly formed and my heart was beating fast… and I received exactly the coaching I needed to clarify my next step. Another gift!
I’ve had two conversations this past week with beautiful brave humans about how to be with the daily grief and horror along with the joys of being alive. I hold as my soul’s truth that the only way to be fully alive is to be fully present with both the dark and the light.
Joy, love, beauty and meaning are the fuel we can use to build our capacity for being in the dark, feeling it, and to keep asking ourselves: “What is mine to do here?”
Big or small it all matters, trust yourself, trust Love and keep checking in with Joy.
EMERGING CREATIVES {you want to live your life infused with more of your unique creativity}
RESPONSIBLE REBELS {you want to live outside the box and speak your truth, with love}
SOUL TRUTH SEEKERS {you want to show up to life in integrity with your body, mind & spirit}
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Your framing of joy as an antidote to oppression is so necessary now. Not only does joy refill our tank and keep us awake and alert for the fights that need to be fought, but it is also our human right. Thank you for the reminder that it is not about turning away from the horrors of today, but about finding our joyful power. This is a profound message. ❤️