“The sound of geese in the distance,
is wonderful:
in our minds
we rise up
and move on.”
— Robert Sund, “Spring Poem in the Skagit Valley”
A few Sundays ago my family and I were driving through the blazing yellow fields where the daffodils grow in the Skagit Valley when a huge flock of Snow Geese descended into the field right next to our car.
Do you ever talk to nature? I do. The practice is simply noticing something beautiful in nature, asking for guidance, then being open and listening to what nature offers.
A year ago I had a vulture in Mexico tell me, “Drop it and stop picking at it” regarding an anxiety I was circling on. Last Thursday morning the blooming cherry trees in my neighborhood calmed my nerves by reminding me, “I am you and you are me”.
Yesterday the Snow Goose and I had this exchange while I drew her:
What’s it like to be Snow Goose?
Like being a Snow Goose.
What’s it like to know on pure instinct that it’s time to rise up and move on?
Elating, Expansive, Freeing
What’s does it feel like to know when it’s actually time to stay put, pause or wait?
Grounded, Quiet, Simple
What’s it like to be one among many, and yet, if you weren’t there someone would be missing?
It is true belonging.
What’s it like to not really know where you’re going, but to trust your body to lead you there?
Being Alive.
If this way of gaining insight intrigues you, I hope you’ll try it out.
Nature is medicine, a healer, a truth teller, and we are part of nature.
with love,
Anna Marie